Use "had no hope of salvation|have no hope of salvation" in a sentence

1. How is “the hope of salvation” like a helmet?

2. “Have on . . . as a helmet the hope of salvation.” —1 THESSALONIANS 5:8.

3. 18 Paul also mentioned a helmet, “the hope of salvation.”

4. The Christian hope of salvation is likened to a helmet because it protects the mind.

5. The Consummation of their hope is set before them, along with the salvation of the world

6. No geisha can hope no more.

7. You've no earthly hope of winning.

8. The Bible says: “There is no salvation in anyone else.”

9. As 1931 went from bad to worse the possibility of another marriage began to seem her best hope of salvation.

10. In the work of salvation, there is no room for comparison, criticism, or condemnation.

11. There's no hope for you.

12. He has no hope of passing the examination.

13. There is no more hope.

14. No big speeches about hope?

15. (1 John 5:3; Proverbs 3:1, 8) Still, it is not easy to hold on to the hope of salvation.

16. He seems to hold out no hope of success.

17. The doctors held out no hope of her recovery.

18. With no hope of a holiday life's very depressing.

19. She had no hope of rescue, so she hardened herself to the horror of her reality.

20. Apart from Jesus Christ risen from the dead, there can be no salvation!

21. The Christadelphian doctrine of salvation is the complete opposite of the biblical doctrine of salvation

22. This is just a fight... with no end... no winners and no hope.

23. Chafer Doctrine of Salvation theWord is a study by Chafer (Congregationalist) on Salvation

24. There's no Bob Hope in this office.

25. 'There seems no hope,' she said bleakly.

26. The medicines commercials have Atrophiated the health system in France, so there is no progress, no new things, no dreams, no hope

27. Accept “the Helmet of Salvation”

28. 12 The helmet of salvation.

29. And this shall be my salvation, that no impious man can come into his presence.

30. (Matthew 24:8) But those who hope in Jehovah have no such fears.

31. The fling abuses otiose of for no reason, the hope can have the voice of more reason.

32. Providing the means of salvation.

33. Hope dies when there is no way of realizing our dreams.

34. This approach is a cul-de-sac populated by dreams that have no hope of fulfilment.

35. 8 But as for us who belong to the day, let us keep our senses and have on the breastplate+ of faith+ and love and as a helmet+ the hope of salvation;+ 9 because God assigned us, not to wrath,+ but to the acquiring of salvation+ through our Lord Jesus Christ.

36. I had decided to live by the principles of the plan of salvation.

37. However, they feel no obligation to help others learn what the Bible says about gaining salvation.


39. No doubt these words filled the apostles with hope.

40. Chief Agent of their salvation (10)

41. No time for aught but worry and struggle. No hope of anything but the surcease of sorrow in death.

42. Can a true believer, whose salvation is eternally secure in Christ, still be guilty of Blaspheming the Holy Spirit? No

43. By this time their disagreement had reached such a pitch that there was no hope of an amicable conclusion.

44. If you wanted to trace the erratic path of an individual air molecule, you'd have absolutely no hope.

45. Betrothal is the Biblical pattern of salvation

46. The Book of Leaves is our salvation.

47. This book is the salvation of Angles.

48. We hope no green, furry things lurk at the back of your refrigerator.

49. Warnings are part of the plan of salvation.

50. I hope you aren't a no - good ruffian or crook.

51. Bereavement counselling - where there is no hope of conception or repeated attempts at treatment have not resulted in conception.

52. and bring about salvation.

53. The Plan of Salvation Provides Answers and Direction

54. 36 You give me your shield of salvation,

55. Since he saw no hope of a normal birth, the doctor recommended an abortion.

56. 'I hope you didn't mind my phoning you.' 'Good gracious, no, of course not.'

57. Using the Plan of Salvation to Answer Questions

58. Would people respond to Jehovah’s message of salvation?

59. Single Chip Microprocessor Control of Elevator Salvation Unit.

60. My God and the Rock of my salvation.’

61. Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of...

62. I hope no worse for wear As far as we're concerned

63. The Gospel message is one of personal salvation.

64. The Bible advises: “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.”

65. Salvation by humans worthless (12)

66. Salvation lay in political reform.

67. And the helmet of salvation* on his head.

68. Salvation and kingdom and might.

69. Salvation by humans worthless (11)

70. He mourns, yet he does “not sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope.”

71. Thousands more were exiled in labour camps on distant islands with no hope of release.

72. Such ritual brings no hope, and it diverts to barrenness emotions which might otherwise have been fruitful.

73. The helmet of salvation will help us combat discouragement

74. Applying the Plan of Salvation in Our Daily Lives

75. Despair as despair at lack of salvation, wrote Harsnet.

76. * Partake of His salvation (receive the blessings of His Atonement)

77. There is now no vestige of hope that the missing children will be found alive.

78. Salvation is in Them only.

79. Is the EFCA Arminian/Wesleyan (Lutheran) or Calvinist/Reformed regarding the doctrine of salvation? Historically, Evangelicals affirm that because of sin, God initiates salvation

80. He hopes against hope that no one would know the open secret.